Local Businesses In Order Of Distance
Pace Magazine
Harness racing in Queensland has had a long and illustrious history dating back to
the 1880s. In 1968, when night harness racing commenced, the sport really took off in
Racing Queensland's goal is to further develop the standard of
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Council Leader Magazine
Published since 1969, Council Leader magazine has become the Queensland local government's number one communication tool.
Working directly with the Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ), the magazine has become a trusted, ‘must-read'
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Baking Business Magazine
Widely regarded as the Australian baking industry's leading and most-trusted
publication and website, Baking Business offers an inside look at the news and views affecting
today's bakery businesses.
A total 5,620 printed copies are direct mailed
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Race Magazine
With a current circulation of close to 3,150, and subscriptions going to readers
across Queensland, as well as interstate and overseas, can you afford not to be
seen in RACE Magazine?
In addition to our printed magazine we also distribute a digi
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Energy Source & Distribution Magazine
Published since 1997, Energy Source & Distribution is the voice of Australia's power generation,
transmission and distribution industry.
With a combined circulation of more than 8,354 per issue, 4,481 copies of the printed magazine
are maile
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Business Trader Magazine
Business Trader Magazine was created in 1993 and is one of the most
cost effective, hard hitting ways to promote your business in the greater
Brisbane region.
Business Trader Magazine is the only business to business magazine that
is guaranteed
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TMPC Creative Media
One of Australia's leading business 2 business publishing houses that offers all cash members the opportunity to place advertising in or on a number of our magazines and websites . Which gives members the ability to utilise advertising on cash to gen
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Establish Magazine
establish is UDIA (Qld)'s quarterly magazine featuring major developers making a
difference, projects that inspire, topical news, policy updates and much more.
establish is the Queensland development industry's number one communication
tool, kee
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Circuit Magazine
As the official magazine partner of Master Electricians Australia, Circuit has a CAB audited
circulation of 10,627 printed magazines going straight to the mail boxes of the electrical industry
across Australia. In addition to our printed magazine w
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Australian Retailer Magazine
The Australian Retailer magazine represents Australia's thriving and evolving independent retail sector, comprising grocery, produce, deli, speciality, health and organic stores throughout Australia.
Each issue, 6,325 copies are distributed to maj
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