
Water Divining - Find Your Flow Small Businesses


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Why choose Water Divining - Find Your Flow?

Looking for water with a forked stick may seem to some like lighting a fire by rubbing two sticks together - there are more up-to-date and possibly more effective methods available. Hi there, I am a 45 year veteran diviner named Nev Mulley and I disagree. While people would remain sceptical of the phenomenum, my 90% success rate in locating the precious underground resource is proof positive that divining does in fact work. When I began divining more than 30 years ago, I picked up the 'trade' from my grandfather. Traditionally, a willow stick is selected to divine for water - the theory being that willows are attracted to water, they need a wet place to grow and that something inherent within the tree itself interacts with the diviner, enabling them to locate underground streams. My experience has led me to choosing guava sticks, although I am continually testing other timbers for their effectiveness in the task. How it all works is quite simple. On arriving at a property, I ask the owner where they would ideally like the bore to be situated. To start with, I walk an area of about 400 square metres to eliminate that area first. Streams that run west to east will have good water, and any in a north to south direction will be salt water. The location of an underground stream will cause my divining stick to react. It will twist in my hands backwards towards my body. With the good streams you cannot hold the sticks, they will twist out of your hands. I can detect the presence of water and whether or not it's enough to drill for a bore, though I generally stop short of predicting the quantity that can be drawn from a stream. You don't know how much you will get until you drill a hole. Contact me (Nev) direct on 0418 754 218 for any enquiries about finding water on your property.

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