
Sandi Friedlos Small Businesses


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Why choose Sandi Friedlos?

IT'S TIME TO FEEL SUPPORTED AND ENJOYED LIFE AGAIN WHILE TRYING TO CONCEIVE Much like traditional first-aid, the aim of a Freedom Fertility First Aid session is to prevent more 'damage' occurring until treatment can be provided. For couples trying to conceive, we address the emotional wounds from your difficult fertility journey. What makes this approach special is that it's not solely focused on your fertility journey. Because there's more to you, your life and your relationship than this struggle. Sharing your pain with someone who knows how to listen and help you set up strategies to regain control of your life can be so therapeutic. The Freedom Fertility Formula approach is designed to improve your general outlook, to help you live your life now (not on-hold) while you wait to welcome your longed-for child. I teach simple yet powerful techniques that you will always have on hand to help you feel emotionally in control, no matter what is going on in your life at any time. It means you'll be spending less time in flight/fright/fight mode, or an emergency state - which as you know can be harmful to your physical and emotional wellbeing, as well as your ability to get pregnant.

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