
Rob Rich Ortho-Bionomy on the Sunshine Coast Small Businesses


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15 Alexandra Avenue

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Why choose Rob Rich Ortho-Bionomy on the Sunshine Coast?

Ortho-Bionomy developed out of Osteopathy in the mid 1970's. Ortho-Bionomy treats your body as an intelligent system. Your body has a protective mechanism that helps you avoid injury and to enable you to compensate if you are injured. Think about how your body changes when you sprain your ankle, your weight shifts automatically to reduce the impact on the sore joint. You also have a self-corrective mechanism that heals your body if something goes wrong. This works not only for things like healing a cut or recovering from a cold but also on musculoskeletal conditions like those listed below. When pain persists your body needs 2 things. 1. The right information in order for the body to understand the dysfunction so that it can self-correct and 2. The body needs to feel safe enough in order for the protective mechanism can relax which will allow the body to change. In essence this is what we do with Ortho-Bionomy. We put in specific information that the body can use to understand the dysfunction and then make the body feel safe enough to change. Working this way is far more efficient as we stimulate the body to change itself and become more functional. Working this way with the nervous system allows muscles to relax , bones realign and creates more stability at the joints. As the nervous system is sensitive we don't need to use forced manipulations or painful techniques. Often using force or creating pain while trying to "fix" the body will make the body feel threatened, this turns on the protective mechanism which slows down the rate of change of the underlying dysfuction. Ortho-Bionomy also works on the relationship between suppressed emotion and the physical body, if you have ever experienced grief, stress or heartbreak you will know how powerful emotions can be and how the body function changes when strong emotions are happening in your life. When we suppress emotions or are traumatised these functional changes can become stuck. With the Ortho-Bionomy approach we release the body and the emotions release by themselves. There is no need to discuss the situation or trauma in order to have it released. Ortho-Bionomy has been found to help conditions such as; Lower back pain Neck & Shoulder pain Sciatica Teeth grinding & TMJ issues Whiplash Thoracic outlet syndrome Headaches & Migraines Bursitis Frozen shoulder & rotator cuff injury Tennis elbow Wrist, hand & finger issues ITB & runners knee Unstable ankles Foot pain including plantar fasciitis Postural issues Post surgical musculoskeletal pain Increasing athletic performance Trauma, PTSD, anxiety, panic attacks Complex painful condition after car accidents,falls or other impacts If you have any of the above conditions book a session today, you will be amazed at how approaching the body differently will lead to different results. Ortho-Bionomy is also great for increasing the performance of athletes. Releasing tension and realigning the skeletal structure can help improve efficiency of movements and reduce the risk of injury. Ortho-Bionomy increases the length of the gait, the range of movement and the stability of the joints.

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