R & S Painting Pty Ltd Small Businesses
Why choose R & S Painting Pty Ltd?
We're committed to do the job-every job. The Right Way!
Painting is a specialized job.
14 Years ago Jafar got a small painting job as a contractor, he put his heart into it and the customer was very impressed, this landed him a few more word of mouth jobs. He then consolidated his learning in this field and began tendering for larger jobs , His dedication to quality and focus of timely delivery lead to a healthy reputation and the formation of R S Painting Pty Ltd.
Many factors go into making a good paint job. proper leveling , filling , selection of materials and such. We take care of all these factors so that u can rest assured about the quality for a long period of time.
The Team is experience and full trained and have all the required certifications required for this job.
Products and Services
Home Improvements & Maintenance