Professional Women's Lunches Small Businesses
Why choose Professional Women's Lunches?
Professional Women's Lunches is a global movement teaching women the importance of building and nurturing a strong professional network.
In the professional world, socialising and building strong relationships is just as important as that ever-growing list of skills on your wildly impressive resume.
Women are great at connecting and nurturing relationships, whether it be with friends, family or co-workers. However, not all women fully understand the value of their networks or how those networks can give their careers a boost.
Today, women are taking on greater roles in the workplace but haven't compensated by reducing the amount of work done around the home (no wonder women find it hard to take the time out for networking). As well as being social butterflies, women are also amazing at putting themselves after their families (a noble tiger-mum act for sure, but not exactly ideal for professional development)… and then there is that old myth that hitting up your network for support and assistance is somehow exploiting others to benefit yourself.
In fact, real networking and relationship building is as much about what you can do for others as it is about what others can do for you, which is exactly what the Professional Women's Lunches is all about! It is a way for women to come together in a social setting to chat, share and have a good old laugh while expanding and nurturing important networks.
So, come and join us!
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