Our Wellness Community Small Businesses
Why choose Our Wellness Community?
Welcome to the virtual face of Our Wellness Community (OWC), an online center for wellness in body, mind, heart & soul. This virtual address is an introduction to our sacred & fast growing community, housed on Facebook, and we hope it provides you with a tempting view into who we are, what we offer, and what OWC is all about.
OWC is a community to connect with, to be engaged with, and to belong to, and our vision and our aim is simple. To share wellness stories, wellness tools, and wellness therapies & modalities that have helped us grow better, so you can grow better too.
In OWC we offer something for everyone. We have created a series of platforms for our wellness practitioners to be seen & heard and to show and tell. Students & seekers of wellness have access to these platforms and many other ways in which they can choose to hear, see, and take the wellness journey.
We facilitate real life & online events, we have created our own wellness show on Casey Radio 97.7FM and Spiritual Events Directory Page on Facebook, and can be booked for Wellness Talks on many topics in the corporate world and wellness or community centers.
When we know better, we do better. In OWC you are invited into a space that has carved out many ways in which you can transcend fear, overcome the struggles in this journey we call life, and be shown how to get out of the never ending cycle of anxiety, depression and hopelessness.
OWC aims to return you to a state of fullness – similar to when you were a child – feeling joyful, wonderful, hopeful, and finally fulfilled. Thank for being here. We appreciate you.
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