
Nurtured Heart Living Small Businesses


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27 Carrathool Avenue

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Why choose Nurtured Heart Living?

Angelic Reiki Healing In Angelic Reiki, a healing will always be perfect because the Angelic Kingdom is in charge. The Angels know and see us as the Divine Beings that we really are so the energy has to be divinely perfect for each individual. We as humans, are limited in our perceptions and so an Angelic Reiki Healing is left to the Angels as we, practitioner and recipient, surrender to Divine Love and perfection. Angelic Reiki is about empowering the recipient to find their own truth. We honour our humanness with all its flaws and seek to bless it with Divine Love. Angelic Reiki is not a process of cure. It is an invitation to know who you are, Unconditional Love is the healer. Angelic Reiki is a hands-on process by holding an unconditional space totally dedicated to the Angelic Kingdom of Light, the most perfect healing energy will be there. There is only Angelic energy. Each recipient's experience will be different. No two healings are ever the same. A full appointment is in three parts and usually lasts one hour. Firstly, there is an opportunity to discuss any issues, next the hands-on healing and then finally, time for sharing the experience. Appointment duration is approximately one hour.

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