
Meet Cory Michelle Small Businesses


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Why choose Meet Cory Michelle?

IN CASE I HAVEN'T MET YOU YET, I'M CORY MICHELLE! I am a guide for brilliant, conscious-minded and wicked-smart entrepreneurs quantum jumping into BEing their potent, magic future self, and create as the contribution and gift they came to be. I've created a method, or guide rather to easily get you from where you are now, to live the inspiring life you are aware that is possible for you. The one you dream about. Moreover, this process guides you into BEing the one living that life. Together we collapse time and space to actualize future realities now through energy, space, consciousness, and BEing. I am intuitive, empath, wizard and love seeing my client's timeline hop into the reality that is awaiting their arrival. My question to the universe is always, “whose keys to I have that open the doors to the secrets to their universe? Allow them to find me.” Are you one of them? After years of seeking, not fitting in, feeling like I was an alien placed in a human body, experimenting my way through life, I realized that I am actually here to create new realities. And to contribute to others doing the same. Getting free of the programming of this reality and becoming truly sovereign. My desire to contribute runs deep after a varied career of helping others in event planning, non-profit fundraising, to being a lifeguard. The brilliant beings who find me typically have been asking for what I have to offer. An energetic quantum leap in who they be, that matches the leader they came to be. Fortunately, reality catches up and all the typical things people desire begin to actualize. But truly, it's who you be that is the key to being the gift you came to be. Welcome to the land of crazy possible. Where every reality you know is possible exists, just a frequency away.

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