
Kylie Lenton Small Businesses


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Why choose Kylie Lenton?

Kylie Lenton Personal Trainer Kylie Lenton is a Personal Trainer and competitive powerlifter in the -53kg weight division. Her best lifts are currently: 110kg squat, 73kg bench and 147.5kg deadlift. She has completed her Certificate III and IV in Fitness and loves teaching her clients how to get strong in a way that is simple, but effective. Approach Kylie loves educating others on the benefit and practical application of getting stronger. She always customises her approach so it is relevant and applicable to each individual. Every session is adjusted to suit her client's individual needs and circumstances. About Kylie Lenton Kylie observed the negative effects of a sedentary lifestyle from years in office environments and decided upon a different path. She hired a coach to pursue strength training and eventually began competing in powerlifting. Having had successes in her own training, some of her friends in the gym soon began to ask for some help. That evolved into more formal coaching and has become a genuine passion for her. Kylie has worked with a variety of trainees from children through to the elderly. She prides herself on providing advice that helps her clients become stronger, fitter versions of themselves. While her ultimate goal may be to become a combination of Xena, Warrior Princess and Wonder Woman, she is content with deadlifting for the time being. When she isn't loading a barbell, you'll find her playing with her cheeky nieces and nephews, spending an inappropriate amount of time with her indoor plant collection whilst fantasising that she's a hardcore drummer in a heavy metal band.

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