
Hover Flight Trust Small Businesses


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Why choose Hover Flight Trust?

Wing in ground effect, or WIG as it's known in the realm of hovercrafts, is something Michael Fane from Australian Hovercraft is proficient in and something he says is the future of transport.'When I was 22, I built little hovercraft. I went in to mining, then over to Asia and worked around the region. By the time I was 35 I built Lady Bernie, finished in 1989. We sea trialled it to Rottnest Island in the highest seas, carrying eight plus Captain and it was very efficient.' With a background in Accounting and Business Law, Fane is also a mechanical fitter by trade with a private pilot's license, electrical workers license, cockswain ticket, and is a registered CPA and registered tax agent. The Wing In Ground-effect vehicle is a vehicle that cruises little more than a few feet over flat surfaces, most often water. It can be seen as a transition between a hovercraft and an aircraft. WIGs are also classified as Ground Effect Vehicles, or Sea Skimmers.

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