
Horse Sense Australia Small Businesses


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31 Old Cedars Rd
South Bingera

Currently closed

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South Bingera

Why choose Horse Sense Australia?

Horse Sense Australia was originally based on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland but has now moved to the Bundaberg region of Queensland Australia. Our business offers the following services: 1. Sale of women-friendly hoof care tools including power tools. 2. Education on hoof rehabilitation based on the pioneering work of Linda J Harris. We have found the TACT system empowers farriers, trimmers and horse owners (especially women) to help rehab and maintain their horses' hooves. TACT - The Anatomically Correct Trim - is a unique, barefoot trimming system that we have found in practice, actually works. 3. Addressing equine fear based issues on traumatised horses, including educating owners about equine psychology based on a non-adversarial system. 5. Supplying organic goat milk for the sole purpose of feeding orphaned foals. 6. Support for Horse Sense Australia Rescue & Rehabilitaion charity (in 2021)

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