
Granted R&D Small Businesses


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Why choose Granted R&D?

What is a research and development offset? The Australian Government encourages business to invest in the development of new knowledge that will give them a competitive edge in national and international markets. Developing this new knowledge is known as Research and Development (R&D). Companies that engage in R&D often create new jobs that are beneficial to the economy. The Government encourages this by offering a rebate through the AusIndustry R&D Incentive Program. This is a rebate against the costs your business spends on developing new knowledge. It can be a substantial assistance to business. Every business in Australia is entitled to receive a rebate through the AusIndustry R&D Incentive Program. Most companies do not apply either because business owners are unaware the program is available, or they are unaware of the eligibility criteria, or they do not have the time and expertise to prepare a successful submission. How Can We Help? Our goal is to build a long term relationship with you! Investing time and care into your grant process, Granted R&D can enable you to focus on the reality of your business growth. Many people assume that research happens only if you wear a white lab coat. But innovation is happening in business across every sector, every day. In fact, you could be doing it without even realising. The problem that you tinkered with in a new way or the hurdle you overcame for a client could be just the ticket. However, preparing submissions for these offsets is time consuming and has to be done meticulously. Granted R&D makes the process smooth and takes care of the detailed work for you. You concentrate on building your business, we'll focus on helping you finding the funds to do so. There are even flexible fee options to assist with your cashlow. Granted R&D seeks to make the process as painless as possible.

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