
Gary King - Property Agent Gold Coast Small Businesses


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Why choose Gary King - Property Agent Gold Coast?

Looking at buying a property? Simply let me know what you're looking for and I will do the rest! * All real estate agents listings and new projects * Building, pest and depreciation reports available * Solicitors, home loan lenders, insurance brokers and tradesmen available * No need to spend hours/days/weeks/months searching and inspecting properties * No need to negotiate with multiple sales agents * Don't forget the Queensland First Home Owners' Grant is $15,000 Why should you use a buyer's agent when you next purchase a property? - Because we save you time, money and stress! We work for you, the buyer, not the seller! Benefits of using a buyer's agent: 1. It Saves Time: We have a working knowledge of property prices and market conditions, and can dedicate our time to sourcing appropriate properties that align with your criteria. No need to spend hours/days/weeks/months on the internet. No need to negotiate with real estate sales agents. 2. It Saves Money: We negotiate the best possible price for you, the buyer. In practice, this could easily amount to savings of thousands of dollars off the list price. 3. It Reduces Stress: Purchasing the wrong property or paying too much can lead to financial stress. It can also be risky not knowing the area and surrounding services as well as other available properties and legal requirements. This can lead to frustration in being able to make an informed decision. Please feel free to call me at any time on: 0417 459 616 for a no obligation chat and more information.

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