Fremantle Wreckers Small Businesses
Why choose Fremantle Wreckers?
Fremantle Wreckers located in Rockingham has been servicing the automotive industry since 1988. We are a family owned and operated used auto parts auto dismantlers and auto recycling company that is dedicated to helping our customers find that spare car part.
Our Rockingham used auto parts facility is currently situated on 2 acres of land, with a warehousing and dismantling space. At any one time we can have up to 200 cars consisting of late model insurance write-offs. For those hard-to-find parts from popular models including: Honda parts, Toyota parts, Holden parts, Hyundai parts, Nissan Parts, Mazda Parts, Ford parts. We have the tools necessary to help you locate what it is you need. If we don't have what you need in stock here, chances are we can find it for you
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