
Fire & Reign Ministries Small Businesses


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Why choose Fire & Reign Ministries?

Fire And Reign Ministries (FARM), headed by Pastor KUL BAL [Fondly known as Pastor KUL], has a BURNING PASSION to see ALL NATIONS come to know JESUS CHRIST as Savior and Guided by the FIRE and REIGN of the HOLY SPIRIT. Pastor KUL heard the Lord speak to him to “LINE UP MY CHURCH FOR REVIVAL!” So he does it by preaching the WORD, in its full context with a golden touch of humor. He believes that the greatest REVIVAL known to mankind is ahead of us. So the LORD is aligning HIS CHURCH for the Greatest Outpouring of the HOLY SPIRIT and the CHURCH must be in its proper position, to firstly be AWAKEN, then to be EQUIPPED and finally to move with DIVINE AUTHORITY and POWER to haul the nets in.

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