
Entrepreneur By Nature Small Businesses


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Why choose Entrepreneur By Nature?

Ambitious, focused and committed to cost-effective management of resources and quality performance. Cultivates a company culture that will provide opportunities for employee development, satisfaction and security, whilst building and strengthening an engaged and unified team. Offering thoughtful, comprehensive and constructive feedback and coaching to staff members in support of their professional progression and to promote efficient productivity and company loyalty whilst decreasing staff turnover. Organised and diligent with excellent written, oral and interpersonal communication skills contributes towards successfully anticipating client or staff requirements and delivering above expectations. Seventeen plus years' sales, operations, accounts, customer service and office administration experience, combined with working in high volume customer contact and fast paced environments ensures an effortless application of transferable competencies across a broad range of industries. Continually applying management talents and adding genuine value to drive initiatives and further increase company growth and profitability. Whatever you need, just ask me!

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Accountants Auditors & Taxation Consultants

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