
Dashboard Online Small Businesses


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612/62 Logan Rd

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Why choose Dashboard Online?

Are you serious? Are you paying a fortune to keep your business running online with web hosting, email marketing, CRMs, Contact Capture Forms and technical help to keep it all working? DO is a platform built in Australia for Australian Businesses that does all the above and more. DO is a Full-service business system for small businesses with Integrated CRM, mass emailing, task management, landing pages, newsletters and collaboration between you and your customers or supplier/contractors. How it works... You pay a monthly subscription to use the platform, you move your website, CRM and your mass email list to the system and use it like any other, but if you need new features you don't engage a developer or a tech person you simply ask us. We work out a solution to upgrade the platform to suit your needs and you can use it with the same low-cost monthly fee you start with. It is like having your own full-service tech team to build the system of your dreams but without the six-figure bill to go with it.

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