
Daniel Simpson Coaching Small Businesses


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Why choose Daniel Simpson Coaching?

Do you feel like your life is just passing you by? Like you have done everything so far in life to please everyone else? But you have no fulfilment and you cant wait for Friday to roll around because another week will then be over? Or? Do you feel like no matter what you try on in life nothing seems to fit, when you think you want to take a certain lifestyle, career, or personal change it just does not end up being what you want? At Daniel Simpson Coaching I work 1 on 1 with you to overcome life's obstacles like these and more. Using different techniques and modalities from practices within Neuro-Linguistic programming and Timeline Therapy, in conjunction with techniques that have been learnt by studying legends of the growth and personal development sectors I have designed a range of programs to assist with becoming your most powerful and authentic self, removing any unconscious blockages and breaking patters that have held you back from being the greatest version of you. If there is an aspect of your life you want to change, send me an email at and we can arrange a free discovery session to determine if I am a good fit for you, and how we can work together to take your life to where you want to be.

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