
COFFEE PUEBLO Small Businesses


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22 Fleming Street

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Our Story Coffee Pueblo is a name coming from the Latin populus referring to the rural towns that grow and produce a hand-picked, and traditional artisan processed coffee from the Colombian mountains. Coffee Pueblo opened for business in 2013 in Ascot Vale Train Station in Melbourne, Victoria. Since then, Coffee Pueblo started giving the consumers a different taste of their morning commute coffee by offering a single-origin coffee, 100% from the Colombian coffee fields. Thankfully, people started enjoying our unique coffee notes of flavors and aroma from single-origin arabica beans produced in Colombia, demanding us to expand our offer to different markets across Melbourne. In 2018, we expand our market to Townsville in Queensland, locating our coffee shop at Lambert's Market-fresh produce . A place where our customers can taste and compare different options of single origins from Colombia produce. Also, we made a presence in other market places across Townsville and Queensland. Our Roots Colombia is located in South America and is part of the world coffee belt as other countries such as Brazil, Vietnam, Thailand, Ethiopia. However, Colombia is one of the few producers of arabica type of bean, ranking no.3 in the world after Brazil and Vietnam. There are two types of coffee beans in the world: Arabica and Robusta. Coffee Pueblo source 100% arabica beans from Colombia, which is believed to be slightly sweeter with a softer taste, while Robusta has a stronger taste and is considered the lower-quality bean. Colombia produces coffee in 22 of its 32 departments (States) and more than 560.000 local families are involved in the Colombian coffee industry.

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