
Co-Farming Hub Small Businesses


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470 Kettles Rd
Lang Lang

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Why choose Co-Farming Hub?

Belong to a global Co-Farming movement of change. HELP us HELP FARMERS by becoming a Co-Farming member today. Keep up to date with the latest developments and events. Members will have exclusive access to a range of Co-Farming Hub member benefits such as discounts on farmers' produce, training and partner offers as they become available. The Co-Farming Hub is the network for people interested in agribusiness. We help you connect to like-minded people, collaborate on projects and pool resources. Get access to training to learn innovative farming methods and develop & enhance your connection to the local community. The Co-Farming Hub values: * Sustainability – ecologically, socially & financially * Intensive / diversity – greenhouses, poly-cultural land use * Broad spectrum of farm operators * Flexibility – lowering risk profile around innovation, experimentation, etc. * Co-operation – utilising synergies in labour, resource use & marketing * Food integrity & food quality for all If you are interested in joining the Co-Farming Hub and become a part of the growing wave of interest in Australian agriculture and help inspire new & existing farmers to take up more sustainable farming, we offer a simple membership pathway for all.

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