
Chelsea Aldridge Small Businesses


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Why choose Chelsea Aldridge?

Emotional clearing practitioner and facilitator of events. The Connected Creatress is any woman who feels her creations come to life. She moves with the creative flow and brings ideas to the world effortlessly. She expresses the life force that moves through her daily. She feels truly alive only when she creates. Through my offerings this is what I intend for all women I work with to unlock, however that looks for each individual. It represents a continual journey stepping into true self, we are here on the planet to create, and my purpose is sharing with you all that I learn along the way, encouraging and empowering you to fully become the best version of yourself. Facilitating a space for deep acceptance of past and present. Light and shadow. When you come to the Connected Creatress you will be seen as you are - and where you will go. I am able to hold space while you unravel and release attachments to all that is holding you back from becoming your Creatress.

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