
Brenda Gaynor Small Businesses


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Why choose Brenda Gaynor?

I am a start-up Entrepreneurial Business coach and DreamBuilder coach, passionate about supporting and challenging people to step into their dream life. Are you over feeling unfulfilled in your life? I am here to propel you forward to new thoughts and actions. I coach people through two programs, which have been tryed and tested by thousands of people around the world. They do work when you are committed to doing the work. The Entrepreneurial Business program has a variety of modules: mastering your money mindset, creating your personalised brand, defining your niche, creating your signature system and how to charge what you are worth. The beauty of this program is that it can be tailored to your specific needs. The DreamBuilder program supports you in remembering what your passion is and expanding your desires for your life. You will step into the dream life you have imagined and work through the 12 week program to bridge the gap from where you are now to where you want to be. My clients love how I challenge their limiting beliefs and thought patterns. I keep them accountable in taking the actions to achieve their desired results. Curious for more information? I would love to speak to you and am gifting you a 30 minute Strategy/Discovery call. Email me or PM me on Facebook.

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