
Avliya Bosnian Cuisine Small Businesses


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300 Point Cook Road
Point Cook

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Why choose Avliya Bosnian Cuisine?

Avliya means courtyard in Bosnian. An important part of our culture as it represents so much than just a courtyard, its represents where friends & families gather, where children play, where flowers blossom, where love & happiness begin, where you can feel warmth & hospitality as soon as you enter. ​ At Avliya Balkan Cuisine & Desserts we want you to feel the love, the warmth, the heart & hospitality when dining with us. ​ ​ ​ ​Avlija znači dvorište na bosanskom jeziku. Važan dio naše kulture jer predstavlja mnogo više od samog dvorišta, predstavlja mjesto okupljanja prijatelja i porodica, gdje se djeca igraju, gdje cvijeće cvjeta, gdje ljubav i sreća počinju, gdje možete osjetiti toplinu i gostoprimstvo čim udete. ​ U Avliya Balkan Cuisine & Desserts želimo da osjetite ljubav, toplinu, srce i gostoljubivost dok uzivate s nama. ​

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