
Angelica Horvatic - Trauma Recovery Practitioner Small Businesses


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South Fremantle

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South Fremantle

Why choose Angelica Horvatic - Trauma Recovery Practitioner?

COMPLIMENTARY CONSULTATION (online&phone) Let's see, hear and feel if we 'click' and can work together! These 15min telephone or online chats are ideal to answer on your questions, discuss the specific service so you can gain clarity regarding the best options for you at this time. EMOTIONAL TRAUMA RECOVERY ( online&phone ) Modalities used:somatic based trauma therapy, regression therapy, inner child work, fragmented parts integration, shadow work, mirror work, hypnotherapy, completion process, connection process, counselling, talk therapy RELATIONSHIP & MARRIAGE COUNSELLING Relationships ( especially romantic ones ) have been a real struggle for me for many decades. As an adult orphan and foster care survivor who has been emotionally and physically severely neglected and abused in the childhood, I have been recovering from PTSD and lack of safety, healing my abandonment wounds, fear, anxiety and anger issues for the past 20 years, learning to trust, love and stay in a healthy, loving and safe relationship. I have been working and helping couples with their relationship and marital struggles since 2009. HEALTH&WELLNESS COACHING AND MENTORING As someone who has for a long time struggled with my own weight, I am very passionate about helping people in this area. I have 15 years of personal training and nutrition background behind me. In these coaching and mentoring sessions we will be focusing on all aspects of your health&wellness: physical ( fitness and nutrition ), mental, emotional and spiritual, so that we can get to the root cause of the issue and you can stay fit and healthy for a life, not just for a season. BUSINESS&CAREER COACHING AND MENTORING When I was 19, I had no clue what I want to study and do in my life. So I took up law studies for a couple of years, only to realise that isn't it. I ended up in fitness and nutrition coaching, then years later in business coaching&mentoring, and years after that in emotional trauma recovery. I love helping people to find and awake their purpose, talents, direction, voice, passions - working through their limiting beliefs, obstacles and blockages from the past which hold them back. INNER CHILD WORKSHOPS Topics: Relationship difficulties,Emotional numbness,Low self-esteem,Low self confidence,Powerlessness,Self-sabotage,Self-criticism,Self-doubt,Avoiding decision making,High sensitivity to criticism&‘feedback',Lack of emotional intelligence,Anxiety,Codependency,Strong/ rigid independency,Depression, Passive aggressive behaviour, Abandonment issues,Fear of failure,Fear of success,Weight problems,Anger management issues,BPD,Strong recurring ‘negative' reactions( triggers ),Fears/phobias, Lack of courage&assertiveness,Bullying,Staying in a victim state,Sexual&physical&emotional abuse&neglect

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