
Angela Rettie International - Results Coach Small Businesses


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Why choose Angela Rettie International - Results Coach?

Not getting the RESULTS you want? Feeling overwhelmed and unfulfilled? Life & Business doesn't have to be like that. Tony Robbins says that Business is 80% psychology and 20% mechanics. He also says the chokehold on any business is the mindset of the owner/leader and their skills. Skills are easy to come by. Improving mindset is a deliberate and focused activity that requires a strong desire to break through what might be holding you back. And then replacing those blocks with empowering patterns and actions that you consistently practice and strengthen. If you are not feeling fulfilled, happy or enjoying your life, maybe it's time to have a look at what might be holding your back from living a life you love. Angela Rettie has many years of experience in both corporate and running her own small businesses. A life-long learner and reader, in 2017 she made a decision to attend a live Tony Robbins event and ever since then she has been on a journey of self-rediscovery and accelerated growth. Angela has studied extensively with Tony Robbins completing his Mastery University, Business Mastery and is now undertaking his Leadership Mastery program. She has expanded her learning by continuing to study with a variety of world renowned business and mindset leaders. After informally coaching individuals, in both personal and business scenarios for many years, she formalised her coaching by becoming Internationally Certified Results Coach and is currently working towards ICF accreditation. She uses a specific Results Coaching methodology, which has been used by 100s of other coaches and has created incredible results for 1000s of clients. Angela specialises in helping: Discover what's holding you back. Create a new vision or direction for your life. Improve your business, your life and your happiness. Change your mindset and patterns to change your life. Don't know if having a business coach, a life coach or a mentor is for you? Don't worry, let's discover together if we are a match on a free 1 on 1 Assessment Call. Get your head in the game and lift your business and life to the next level. I look forward to seeing you at the top.

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