
Angela Carroll Coaching Small Businesses


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Why choose Angela Carroll Coaching?

Life is for living! Restore Your Health - Recharge Your Energy - Reinvigorate Your Business. Health and Performance recovery coaching for overwhelmed, stressed, burnt-out Professionals. Life has so much to offer! We are all given tremendous opportunities and we all have incredible potential. However, without consistent good health, energy, focus and clarity we can miss these opportunities and never reach our potential. Abundant, true good health is one of my highest values. I am passionate about health and the energy and opportunities it brings. I am a certified NLP and Timeline Therapy Practitioner, qualified Australian Naturopath and Acupuncturist with nearly three decades of working in the Natural Health Care industry. I have run my own successful clinic and, for the past 17 years, I have worked for Australia's leading health care company, Metagenics. In this time I have educated over 10,000 Natural Health Care and Functional Medicine Practitioners on the root causes of illness and how to restore and optimise health. I deliver seminars and education events to Practitioners multiple times a year, and have done so for the past fifteen years. I am an expert and respected senior industry educator in the field of health. Another passion of mine and area of expertise is the systemising of small businesses for success, enabling growth and scaling of the Practice. For the past ten years I have been educating, coaching and mentoring Natural Health Care Practitioners on systems and methods that will increase the growth and efficiency of their practices with reduced likelihood of the burnout, common to small business owners. Practitioners who adopt and apply these systems to their practice often comment on their increased success and reduction in stress. I know what it is like to run a business. I understand the demands of being a professional. I operated my own clinic as a single parent (whilst studying in the first several years of ‘start up'). I also understand the drive for success. The drive to want to make a difference in people's lives. The drive to genuinely be our best; both in the performance and the outcomes. The world of ‘Health Coaching' is replete with personal trainers and on-line coaching course graduates. I am neither of these. I have stepped into the coaching field because I have seen that health education is not enough for people who want health, energy, focus and clarity to make the longterm changes. Awareness and accountability are what is needed. When you are coached by me, you have a true, experienced health and energy expert behind you. I will help you identify what in your life drains you of your precious energy and what you can do to draw on the abundant natural energy source that is yours for the keeping. Together we will set goals, gain clarity and see that you are achieving every step of the way so you can rejoice in all that life has to offer. And I guarantee that along the way you will learn so much about yourself that you will feel like a new, empowered and energised self. This is what excites me. With my coaching you will find heightened performance through optimal energy management. I look forward to exploring how I can help you live the life you want. Humans in their fullness are wondrous beings!

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