
Amplified Life Coaching Small Businesses


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Why choose Amplified Life Coaching?

IS this you? My partner and I are in business together or both working. We feel like business partners not lovers. We are not 100% on the same page around our finances, parenting, communication or health. Its all compromise and busy-ness. We've tried everything and nothing works. We love each other, but are we IN love? Money is the main thing we argue about. Responsibility, follow through, risk, management, saving, spending, goals, debts, communicating, trust. At work, I am good at what I do. I turn up and make it happen. But at home, I feel like I should just give up. Either leave or accept that this is as good as it gets. I hate feeling like my life is a lie and that the success we let people see is not representative of how my life actually feels. I'm scared. I feel like a fraud. I don't want to leave, but I can't continue to live half a life. I don't even know if my partner cares enough to do anything about this anymore. This is so painful it affects everything else. It puts a ceiling on everything I try to achieve or experience because ultimately, I feel stressed, disappointed and hopeless. Sometimes I just feel tired and numb. Is it time to change all this forever? ​How would things change for you if you could learn some simple, effective, tried and tested life hacks that will get you the results you crave? Fast. You can't bake a cake with a hammer. Most people work hard. They push, they struggle, they fight but they don't get results. Often, they have all the right intent in the world, but with the wrong tools, their chances of success are very, very limited. Great News ​ There are processes, life tools, that you can start using almost immediately, that will create real, tangible, positive change in your life. We often accumulate tools during our lives for dealing with life's challenges that were handed down to us by other people who were also struggling. hammer+cake =not good It's not your fault. Let's take blame out of it all together. The solution begins by realising that the wrong tools won't serve you. Some tools may have served you at some point in your life, but they do not serve you any longer. And yet, if are not aware of it, you will keep trying to use these old tools and wonder why you are not getting the results you deserve. It is your time. It is time to get answers. Solutions. Success in career, finances, love and health. *Imagine the headspace you'd have, if your relationship was supporting your wellbeing and dreams? *Imagine feeling confident and assured and in love again. *Imagine how much money you would save because you were no longer trying so hard to distract yourself from what was really going on or making mistakes because you were overwhelmed. *Imagine having energy again. *Where could you take your career, business and wealth if you were free. *Imagine what it will mean to the children around you and the quality of their future relationships by learning these tools, just by being around you? ​ Happiness, success, money, quality of life. 5 steps. Are you ready to take the first one? If you know you need to make changes but need to know how, then this is the place for you.

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