
ALL DAY PA Small Businesses


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3/111 Harbord Road

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Why choose ALL DAY PA?

We are a bespoke personal lifestyle assistant service for busy professionals and depleted parents! We aim to give you back your most precious resource, time! It is our objective to take away your stress and get on with those tasks that are just "doing your head in"! Who doesn't wish they had a 'right hand woman' occasionally!? From wardrobe makeovers including styling and ongoing outfit planning, event planning and coordination, including kids parties and business conferences, to office admin and property management. Check out our website for a full list of ‘What We Can Do For You'. Take a hand picked team of women who have the skills, knowledge, and experience working across a wide range of business communities and industries. Combine this with essential life experiences of raising children and having to think at least three days ahead constantly. Throw in bucketloads of patience, empathy, and mediation skills and you've got yourself... All Day PA – At your service! After a relaxed telephone consultation with me to assess your needs, I will carefully select and match you with the perfect assistant to provide you with the support you need. Then, when you're happy with us, we will meet you in person for a friendly coffee and chat to further our commitment. We will individually tailor our service to meet your requirements on what can often be a daily changing schedule. With privacy being a top priority, we believe discretion is paramount. Avoid the ongoing expense and commitment of a hiring a full time assistant. Design your life!

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