
Akurst Small Businesses


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Why choose Akurst?

Something that was once Akurst has now been set free. Somewhat of a balance has arrived, light and dark have done their dance and met at the silver lining. With some clarity, the word emerged and entangled in the observable, ever present like a ghost it followed silently only now uttering. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Drawn out time and drawn out of language this ISREAL IsReal - aka Akurst aka has been creating since the age of 2. A Biro has always been his weapon of choice, along the way diversifying his skill set with different mediums spanning from the traditional to the new and unknown. Using art as a therapy IsReal has been prolific in creating, peeling back the layers of the psyche concept by concept spilling them onto whatever is in the localised vicinity. Graphic design, illustrations, art of all forms and functions from beyond the fourth wall of reality. Available for commissions, collaborations and contracts.

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