
Afghan Women on the Move Small Businesses


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8 Merriville Rd
Kellyville Ridge
NSW 2155

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Why choose Afghan Women on the Move?

Afghan Women on the Move is a local non-for-profit organisation based in Sydney, Australia, which supports the development of women socially, emotionally and culturally. Our team at Afghan Women on the Move work with local, national and international platforms to create programs that engage women in the community and to ensure that the voice of women are represented in the world. The aim of the platform is to break isolation and empower women through gathering in safe spaces, story-telling and sharing through creative cultural events and art programs. We are therefore a place that women can visit to ask advice and feel safe and supported, a place that will understand their challenges and help them connect with other people. Our support and resources include: • Educational courses • Visual art classes • Exhibitions • Vocational training • Mentoring • Cultural Events and activities • Networking opportunities * Counselling and support Whilst we are a registered charity, we do not yet have the additional registration required so that donations can be tax deductible. We are in the process of applying for this. We sincerely appreciate any support that you can give us. Best regards, Maryam Zahid on behalf of Afghan Women on the Move 0434 530 525

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