
Activate|One Small Businesses


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Why choose Activate|One?

Value Proposition Provide a range of sustainable solutions that will support a range of industry projects. Enhance infrastructure projects and services to the resources, energy, government, and major projects sectors. Provide sustainable remote and regional water and energy solutions. We are creating a difference Activateone has a proven track record to effectively solution-based projects in a range of sectors. Our dedicated project team can align work scope to budget schedules and minimise project cost by working with the internal project teams. We maintain high level of communication with all key project stakeholders throughout the project, from conception to completion. Community Creating opportunities to increase wealth creation. Increase reconciliation in Australia. Stakeholder management. Managing community relationships. Increasing community capacity and capability. Resources Implementation of corporate social responsibility programs. Incubation of indigenous engagement Connection of community Government, remote and rural planning and development Government Implementation of Indigenous community, procurement, programs. Design develop and implement government aligned projects. Connection of community and facilitate Indigenous engagement. Industry Implementation of procurement policy and systems. Incubation of Indigenous procurement engagement Development of indigenous supplier panels. Government, remote and rural planning aligned with the IPP Energy Implementation of energy system and power generation. Development of renewable energy for remote locations. Empower communities to self-manage energy systems. Increasing renewables in Northern Australia. Water Implementation of clean water system in communities. Empower communities by education in clean water usage. Provide major portable systems for remote areas. Renewable energy application for regional and remote areas.

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