
Abundant Mamahood with Sarah Sands Small Businesses


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Why choose Abundant Mamahood with Sarah Sands?

Welcome to Abundant Mamahood with Sarah Sands. You've arrived here because you are already (or on your journey to becoming) a conscious mama and you know that your soul is here to SHOW UP fully expressed in this life. Somewhere inside yourself you know (either quietly or loudly!) that creating success in both areas of these life comes from BALANCE: embodying our innate duality. Gone are the days of sacrificing, compromising, hustling, always striving for something on the horizon…. Gone are the days of “OR”… Where we can only choose or be one OR the other. We are the embodiment of Oneness. A life of “AND” is available to you. ☀️ ☀️ ☀️ You can be a present, conscious mama AND contribute financially to your family. You can make abundant money AND do it consciously, aligned with your soul's highest mission. You can stay in your genius zone AND leverage systems to outsource the bits you don't feel inspired to do. You can take time off AND have a thriving, automated business. ☀️ ☀️ ☀️ Sarah Sands is a performance, business, motherhood and abundance coach. She is here to support you in bridging the worlds of Motherhood and Business with ease, flow, abundance and joy. Empowering you to step into your highest aligned life… whilst also offering you tangible, 3D guidance on how to do this strategically. Balancing soul AND strategy, focusing on two main areas: ALIGNMENT: Helping women step into their highest aligned Self and life right NOW, in every moment. > AND AUTOMATION: Helping women free up their precious time and resources to focus on what's most important to them. ☀️ ☀️ ☀️ Sarah's offerings include 1:1 coaching, small-group coaching and digital courses. You can explore the full range of her offerings at

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